Jonny Kiedrowski

Jonny Kiedrowski

Jonny Kiedrowski joined the staff of Sovereign Hope Church in the fall of 2014. He and his wife Jessica moved to Montana after serving in full-time ministry in New York City for seven years. Jonny oversees the worship ministry at Sovereign Hope Church and he writes songs for Sovereign Hope Music. He is passionate about using music to help our church know and respond to what God has done in the gospel of Jesus. He attended Berklee College of Music in Boston where he studied music production before graduating from Liberty University with a degree in Worship and Music Ministry. Jonny and his wife Jessica were married in 2007 and have two sons, Jackson (2009) and Ezra (2017), and a daughter, Averie (2013).

Why We Sing

January 30, 2022

The songs we sing as a church should cause the word of Christ to dwell in us richly. They encourage us to savor the gospel together, respond to God’s grace, and help us minister to one another while growing in faith together.

Scripture: Colossians 3:16-17

Fruit Follows Faith

November 7, 2021

Even the smallest books of the Bible contain valuable truths with eternal implications. 3rd John is like a 1st century text message encouraging us to turn from evil and imitate the faith of a good example.

Scripture: 3 John

Proverbs 16:16-25 helps us to see the value of the wisdom of God’s words. We need them to get on a path to life and without them, we’ll make our own path that leads to danger. God’s wise words are the most valuable possession we have because they reveal all we need to know about God and how Jesus Christ restores our relationship to him.

Scripture: Proverbs 16:16-25


May 9, 2021

It’s easy to be uncomfortable with the idea of a sovereign God who is in authority over everything, but in Proverbs 16:1-9 we see that God in his Sovereignty is the author of our Salvation; that he’s inviting us into a better way: a life lived in response to his steadfast love and faithfulness.

Scripture: Proverbs 16:1-9

Humble In-between

December 13, 2020

We now live between two Advents; Christ has come and Christ is coming. In this time in between, Jesus hasn’t only given us an example to follow, he’s given those who are “in Christ” the ability to follow him.

Scripture: Philippians 2:1-11

The second sermon in the series God's Grace in the Night

Scripture: John 3:16-21

Most religious leaders in Jesus’ day stayed far enough away to avoid association with him. But Nicodemus came near to Jesus and as they spoke in the night, Jesus reveals an important truth: we need to be made spiritually alive through the Holy Spirit to have eternal life with God.

Scripture: John 3:1-15

Stable and Steadfast

March 29, 2020

Colossians 1:15-23 reintroduces us to all that Jesus is; he’s all we’ve ever needed.

Scripture: Colossians 1:15-23

Salvation is Dawning

December 15, 2019

Zechariah shares the last prophecy about the coming messiah before Jesus is born. The wait for Salvation is over, but it is better than Zechariah could have ever dreamed of.


Scripture: Luke 1:67-79

God’s word is powerful and it always provokes a response. The Ninevites responded in repentance. Jonah responded with frustration. What do you do with God’s word when it comes to you? 

Scripture: Jonah 3-4

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