The book of Acts not only highlights the continued work of Christ in the early church, but it also lays the foundation for our own understanding of the gospel, the life of the Christian and the nature and mission of the church.

Advent 2024
Psalm 107 leads us to Jesus by showing us four portraits of the way in which God saves his people.

Song of Songs
The Song of Songs vividly captures God's design for romance, intimacy and marriage. In a world that tries to separate and dissect our love life, the Song enchants the Christian and the church with the staggering wonder of God's good design.

Explore the message of the minor prophet, Habakkuk, in this three-part series.

Luke's account of the gospel of Jesus Christ speaks into our age of uncertainty by showing the promise and power of God's plan to save his people. As Jesus inverts the typical places of power, status and peace the reader is called to see how they might find their own place in the constantly expanding life of discipleship. Find your place by finding yourself in the wonderful plan of salvation in Jesus Christ.

Advent 2023: Gospel in Our Bones
Watch or listenn to our 2023 advent series titled "Gospel in Our Bones."

Jesus at the Center
Discover how the Bible, though composed of two testaments and across sixty-six books, is really one narrative story describing God's great plan to redeem and restore his people for his glory and our good. Develop helpful habits for reading the different genres of scripture that assist your ability to see and worship Jesus in every text, allowing you to apply those truths to your daily life.

Advent 2022
In this Advent series we examine some remarkable birth narratives in the Old Testament and learn how those foreshadowed the greatest and most anticipated birth in human history: the incarnation of Jesus Christ.

Talking to Yourself
The gospel is good news for sinners and sufferers. The story of scripture not only explains our hardships and shows Jesus' kind heart towards those in need, but it also equips us with a framework of hope, wisdom and endurance as we walk through some of life's most challenging experiences.

Some Assembly Required
In "Some Assembly Required" we examine some essential components of the Christian life and the way in which the local assembly (the church) helps believers grow and experience care in these areas.

Some of the hardest questions regarding faith arise in our encounter with the book of Romans. In this two part series we try to deal with the doctrine of election in a way that is connected to the rest of Romans and more broadly the rest of God's word, as well as the gospel. Join us as we explore the comfort of election and the commission of election.

In a world of 24/7 political commentary, endless tweets and mindless Tik-Toks, "wisdom cries aloud in the streets, in the market she raises her voice; at the head of the street she cries out, 'How long, O simple ones?'" (Proverbs 1:20-22) Have desires to be heard blinded us to the call to be wise? Is there clarity in the midst of confusion? Join us for a series in the book of Proverbs where we see the wisdom of grace in our daily lives.

1 John: Converted to Christ
In 1 John, the apostle John wants to encourage you with the sure hope and relief that is yours in Christ. Yet the way he goes about it is to invite you to examine yourself and the evidence that is seen in your life. In these tests of assurance, John invites you to locate yourself between darkness and light, denial and confession, lawlessness and righteousness, hate and love, and death and life. John wants you to know the fullness of joy that is found in knowing the God of light and love who wraps us into his fellowship.

Easter 2021
What does it mean to believe in Jesus? And how can that belief truly be an abiding belief? For Easter 2021 we will be looking at the gospel of John and noticing what Jesus says about how we should think of him and a life of following him.

Advent 2020
For Advent 2020 we are going to pause and consider the impact Christ's birth has on our hope, our mission and our salvation.

The Church and Her Love
The Church and Her Love is a two part sermon series that dives into the way in which the gospel creates the church and how the gospel compels the church for love, endurance and care.

God's Grace in the Night
When Nicodemus requested a meeting with Jesus of Nazareth he couldn’t have imagined how their late night conversation would impact the world thousands of years later. In their conversation, Jesus shares the foundations of the Gospel: God’s great love for us, our need to be born again and that salvation comes through believing in him.

1-2 Peter: Spiritual Refugees
Whether it's a family physically displaced from their native land, a mother wrestling with the weight of parenting, or a college student who feels the pace of technology and school passing them by, we know what it feels like to be isolated and alone. For those who feel like foreigners, strangers or exiles the gospel brings us good news. 1 Peter is a letter written to those who feel out of place and uncomfortable in their current situations. Peter writes to people and churches who are in a real sense "Spiritual Refugees," and yet he brings the promise of hope and direction for life into the reality of our trials.

Easter 2020
We can sometimes feel like we need a handbook to the Bible itself. It's a book written in three languages, across thousands of years by dozens of authors. How are we supposed to make sense of it? Our Easter 2020 Series seeks to make sense of the Bible, it's message and it's purpose as seen in the gospel of Jesus Christ. It's in his work on the cross where we find our own guide to help us understand the wonderful beauty and practical relevance of God's word.

Time for Change
From badges on your work-out app, to post-it notes on the fridge, we are a goal oriented society. We want to be the best version of ourselves. But we all know how hard and how difficult such changes can be. In these moments what empowers us? Who encourages us? And what hope is there for those who wrestle to see what lies ahead? In the book of Deuteronomy, Moses' message to the Israelites was one of warning, comfort and instruction as they looked at what awaited them. His message: Something needs to change. The message of Deuteronomy helps us understand the parts of our life which need change the most and shows us the way in which God's grace helps us do just that.

Wait No More
The season of Advent remembers and celebrates the long anticipation of God's messiah, Jesus Christ. In our 2019 Advent series, "Wait No More," we examine the wonderful realities behind the birth of Jesus and how it shapes more than our calendars and traditions.

Beautiful Occupation
"What is your occupation?" The question most often relates to your career, or your vocation, and when asked it can lead to boasting in your prestigious job, or meekness in a time of uncertainty. But the same question can also apply to our emotions: What occupies your affections, thoughts, and dreams? In the book of Ephesians, Paul draws our daily lives and our emotional desires together as he highlights the compelling beauty and utility of the gospel of Jesus. In Ephesians we learn how a church preoccupied with the glory of Jesus can be a church busy with the most beautiful occupation.

A Church Building
A Church Building is our campaign and sermon series outlining the next step of our 50/50 Legacy: the location of a permanent building. Because we believe the gospel shapes everything, we also believe that what we do and how we view our building are essential components of glorifying God and serving our city. To learn more visit achurchbuilding.com.

The Life of the Church
God has designed the church to encourage one another in the gospel and for ministry. Here's how we try to do that at Sovereign Hope.

New Birth/New Life
On December 25th, probably later in the afternoon, it comes. The gifts are opened. The dinner has been eaten. The guests have left. A whole month of build up, Hallmark Specials, carols and family, and now it's over. What's left is a return to the ordinary: clean-up, returns, battery replacements, and the normal work week. We've all felt this. But this is why the story of the birth of Jesus Christ is so special. God acted in human history. He sent his son, as an infant to be the King, the servant and the sacrifice we all needed. But beneath the celebration of what is past lies the potential of what is yet to come. If we see the birth of Christ for what it is, we won't leave the same. We won't go back to ordinary. We don't exchange the gift, the gift changes us. In the story of Christmas we see the promise of new birth and new life for all eternity.

Gospel-Focused Relationships and Families
This series is an attempt to better understand how our relationship to God impacts the way in which we understand our present relationships status and how we relate to those around us. In 1 Corinthians 7 Paul refers to singleness, marriage and families as each being a specific gift, assignment, calling and condition. Therefore we believe that the greatest goal for our current situation in life is not to advance into another station. Instead we ought to view our own condition, and weigh other conditions, by the role and responsibility each provides in our efforts to glorify God.

50/50 Legacy
The mission of our church is to together proclaim the glory of God in the gospel of Jesus Christ and holiness in the Spirit. The 50/50 Legacy is a core set of values we want to embody in order to fulfill this vision. The 50/50 Legacy is a commitment to exist and serve inside three central identities: A Healthy Church, A Missoula Church, and A Sending Church.

The Gospel of Matthew: The Kingdom Ethic
We all long for a better world. We want all that is broken around us to be fixed and restored. But what if this brokenness in our world, and even in our hearts, is merely a symptom of something deeper? This longing can only be satisfied when we are restored back to God. Jesus came to the earth to bring this restoration, to usher in a new kingdom. In his teaching and miracles he pointed towards this new way, and in his death he made it possible for us to be made citizens of it. In the kingdom of God we find the life and satisfaction we all long for, and it's ours because of Jesus.

Isaiah: Understanding God
The most fundamental question we can ask is why we are here. This forces us down to the root questions of is there a God and, if so, how should this impact how we live. These are crucial questions with eternity-altering consequences. The prophet Isaiah had a unique insight into these important questions. He had an actual vision of God himself. He saw who God truly is and points out what this means for us. So why are we here? Isaiah can serve as a very helpful guide.

Glory and Joy
Every one of us has longings deep within our soul, longings which we cannot turn off or ignore, longings for things like glory and joy. We continually look for their satisfaction in all kinds of places and pursuits. In the letters to the Thessalonians, we find a people who have found the glory and joy they had been longing for. They found the one true source, they were growing in it, and they were on a path to increase their experience of it forever.

This Changes Lives
Year by year, whether we commit to them or not, we all have visions for what or who we would like to be. Resolutions to make, changes to be had. Why is the desire for something different always nagging in the back of our minds? Why is change so hard? The gospel tells us that these desires and motivations are glimpses of the change which only Jesus can bring.

Exodus: Our Deliverer
In the Bible, we are repeatedly told to look back to one specific story—to remember it, to retell it, to take it to heart. The story is that of the exodus, when God moved in dramatic ways to bring deliverance to his people. In this story, we see God’s holy character and his power. We are given a picture of what God does for us and what he requires of us. And we hear of God’s purpose to dwell with his people, which he not only desires but also makes possible.

Hosea: A Scandalous Love
Almost everyone would agree that God loves us. But what does that exactly mean? What is his love like—how big is it, how deep is it, does it eventually reach an end? In the book of Hosea, God gives us a startling and shocking picture of his love, an astounding love that is better than anything we could guess or make-up.

Philippians: Moving Forward
The book of Philippians is about life—how it should be lived and what is important. It challenges us deep in our motivations and our efforts. It is written to a dearly loved church and gives us necessary direction in the difficult, gritty task of living in real community. It is about being committed to a mission bigger than ourselves because of what God has done for us in Jesus Christ. In Philippians, we find our course for Moving Forward.

Psalms: A Tree Planted
The Psalms give expression to our souls, from the highest of delights to the lowest of despairs. But even more importantly, they point us towards the One True and Living God and his Son, Jesus Christ. By doing this, the Psalms help us as real people with real issues rightly live our lives before the face of God.

Gospel of John: Jesus is...
The gospel of John begins with the words “In the beginning was the Word,” and so he begins his beautiful and stunning portrayal of his dear friend and Lord, Jesus Christ. The most important person we can ever know is Jesus, and the clearest place to begin is in this book by his beloved disciple, John.

GCF Sermons
Listen to sermons preached on the campus of the University of Montana through Grizzly Christian Fellowship.