Grizzly Christian Fellowship has been working with 14 interns this summer. One of their assignments was to outline the gospel using nothing but scripture, and then to provide an account of the gospel using their own words. We want to share with you some of the responses given by our interns who are seeking Christ's glory at the University of Montana.
Human beings were created by an omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent God. In our imperfection we rebelled against that God resulting in what we call sin. God, being a God of justice, requires that a penalty be paid for that sin. But God, being a God of grace, offered His Son, Jesus, to the world as a sacrifice carrying the burden of sin for all whom God would bring to Salvation. Jesus was resurrected from death on the third day after His death, defeating the ultimate effect of sin, and became the mediator between man and God. We are given an opportunity for forgiveness, justification, and a reprieve from the wrath of God. That option is faith, love, and glory in the Lord Jesus Christ. We are not only forgiven of our sin but made righteous by the life of Christ, we are credited with a life we did not live, and choices we did not make. The ultimate reward offered to us is the eternity we get to spend with our Substitute and our Savior.