Sovereign Hope
God’s glory is in the gospel of Jesus Christ. And we are a church in Missoula devoted to seeing and applying that beauty to every area of our life.
We will be providing childcare and tutoring for six Saturdays starting January 21st for Afghan refugee women and their children.
This year we have launched a new Bible Reading plan and Bible Memory plan for those who wish to study and grow together in 2023-2024!
We have an opportunity to financially support relief & housing for refugees fleeing the war in Ukraine.
This year we have launched a new Bible Reading plan and Bible Memory plan for those who wish to study and grow together in 2022!
We need 8 new volunteers to help with our 2-3 and 4-5 year-olds.
Our audio and media teams are looking for volunteers. We have some open slots in the rotation and some needs coming up in these two key areas that we’re hoping members of our Church body can fill.