Grizzly Christian Fellowship has been working with 14 interns this summer. One of their assignments was to outline the gospel using nothing but scripture, and then to provide an account of the gospel using their own words. We want to share with you some of the responses given by our interns who are seeking Christ's glory at the University of Montana.
God in himself is holy. He created the whole world and everything in it and rules over it. He also created us in his image to care for the world he created and to obey him and rule over the earth. But we have disobeyed the natural order. Along with Adam's sin, we are all sinners by default. None of us are righteous. We are all slaves to our sin and other idols that we have set up over God. In doing so, we have rebelled against God, an offense that God takes seriously. God hates sin and his judgment against sin is death. As hard as this justice is to take in, God still loved us enough to provide us with a way back to him. He sent his son to die on the cross for our sin. Jesus was the only person to live a perfect life, the life God intended for us to live. Yet Jesus on the cross took our sin on himself and suffered Gods just wrath for it – death. Why? So that pardon for our sin may be available to us. God accepts Jesus’s death as a pardon for our sin! Three days after his death, Jesus rose from the dead to his rightful place- as judge over the earth. Through Jesus we have a clean slate. If we believe that death is the only penalty for sin and that Jesus died in our place to pay that penalty, Jesus will give us eternal life. Through Jesus we are no longer rebels, we are children of God!