Daniel Bourassa
Daniel was originally hired by Sovereign Hope Church in 2010 to oversee media. In 2016 he became an elder and transitioned to the role of associate pastor. He is a certified biblical counselor through the Association of Certified Biblical Counselors (ACBC). Daniel and his wife, Patty, were married in 2007 and are homeschooling their six children: Nehemiah (2009), Ruth (2010), Katie Joy (2013), John Mark (2015), Ransom (2017), and Jim (2019).
Sunday morning message February 2, 2025: Pastor Daniel Bourassa preaches on Acts 13:1-12 in a sermon titled Missions and the Church
Scripture: Acts 13:1-12
Sunday morning message August 4, 2024: Pastor Daniel Bourassa preaches on Acts 5:12-42 in a sermon titled Want and Witness
Scripture: Acts 5:12-42
Zacchaeus seeks, sees, and receives Jesus and a remarkable transformation follows. But behind all of this we find the gracious reality that when lost people start seeking Jesus, Jesus has already been seeking them.
Scripture: Luke 19:1-10
The parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus helps us to see that false hopes and false assurances fail, but faith in Jesus will save on the day of reckoning.
Scripture: Luke 16:19-31
We hate hypocrites, yet each of us hides things about ourselves in order to protect our reputation and opportunities. But you save your life not by hiding what's inside but by confessing who keeps you safe.
Scripture: Luke 12:1-12
Jesus uses the examples of Mary and Martha to teach us he wants us to be with him more than he wants what we can do for him.
Scripture: Luke 10:38-42
Jesus' parable of the good Samaritan teaches us that access to eternal life is not based on what you know but on who you love.
Scripture: Luke 10:25-37
We tell ourselves all kinds of excuses to justify our anger. But the key to understanding what we need to tell ourselves when we're tempted to anger is believing that God's anger towards us was satisfied in Christ.
Scripture: James 1:19-20; Ephesians 4:25-32
Luke chapter 7 reaches its climax in a sinful woman's response to Jesus' forgiveness. The contrast between her and a judgmental Pharisee demonstrates that your view of Jesus will either produce love for him or critique of others.
Scripture: Luke 7:36-50
Jesus is not only able to cleanse us but willing to cleanse us from all sin through the free gift of forgiveness. But only those who recognize their need will respond to Jesus' call.
Scripture: Luke 5:12-32